Save Your Smile...

...Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Do you suffer from:

--> Painful teeth and jaws in the morning or while eating.

--> Sensitivity to cold and citrus.

--> Flat, worn away teeth with unexplained chips.

--> Constant headaches and waking up through the night.

If so you may be suffering from night time teeth grinding or clenching (called Bruxism), a very serious disorder that affects millions of people. Left untreated, teeth grinding and clenching can seriously destroy what’s left of your teeth. Click below to stop grinding your teeth.

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How to Stop Grinding Teeth in Sleep by Mike Davis.

If you are grinding teeth in sleep, this article will explain how to stop teeth grinding in sleep.

How to Stop Grinding Teeth in SleepWhy do people grind teeth in their sleep?  There are several reasons, but most of them come back to the underlying number one cause.  Stress.  Most people who grind their teeth, also called Bruxism, suffer from an unhealthy level of stress and anxiety.  Therefore, this translates into grinding one’s teeth at night during sleep.

How to stop grinding teeth in sleep:

If you ask a doctor or dentist how to stop grinding teeth in sleep you’ll get different answers.  There are many good treatments to help you stop grinding teeth in sleep, so lets go over them.

1)  You need to relax before you go to bed.  This is priority #1.  If you watch television before you go to bed, it is recommended you stop watching television altogether.  If you are unwilling or unable to give up television then change what you watch to something more relaxing.  Watching intense movies, or television shows is not a good thing to do to help you relax.  One often overlooked thing that you probably should stop watching if you are wanting to stop grinding teeth in sleep is the news.  The news is often times filled with horrible, depressing, negative information ranging from rapes, murders, and information on war.  Filling your mind with these things right before you go to sleep can increase anxiety and therefore lead to teeth grinding.

2)  Use a warm wash cloth or a hotel towel to help your body relax before you go to sleep.  This is a good treatment, especially if used on your cheeks or on your jaw.  You want to relax the muscles to help you stop grinding teeth in sleep.  Hold the warm towel or wash cloth on your jaw just in front of your ear lobes.  You can also massage this area.

3)  Ask your partner to wake up if you start grinding your teeth.  This is one way to hopefully get you to quit.  Sometimes you don’t even need to wake up all the way, you can just have your partner nudge you.

4)  Believe it or not, some people get Botox treatments to help them stop grinding teeth in sleep.  Why do these use Botox treatments?  Simply because Botox treatments help weaken the mouth muscles, so if you do grind your teeth in your sleep you will be less likely to cause damage since your mouth muscles are not as strong.  However, Botox has many side-effects and is not recommended.

5) Mouth guards can be an effective way to prevent teeth grinding in your sleep, but often times are uncomfortable to sleep with and make it hard to fall asleep.  You can talk to your dentist about something like this.

6)  Other treatments to stop grinding teeth in your sleep include drinking warm herbal tea or warm milk before you go to bed.

7)  Avoiding alcohol or foods and beverages that have high caffeine and sugar content

These are just a few simple and easy treatments for to stop grinding teeth in sleep.  To get instant relief from teeth grinding click here!

This eBook helped me remedy my problem and I cannot recommend it enough.  They offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you do not stop grinding your teeth in your sleep.

Wishing you peaceful sleep,

Stop Grinding Your Teeth


If you have been grinding your teeth while you sleep and you are wanting to learn how to stop teeth grinding in sleep you’ve come to the right place.  A lot of people want to stop teeth clenching at night in addition to stopping grinding. And many want to learn how to do this through natural cures such as relaxation.

Here is how to stop teeth grinding in your sleep.

How to Stop Teeth Grinding in SleepMost of the time teeth grinding is causes by stress and anxiety.  If this is something you can control, for example watching scary movies before you go to bed, then you should stop watching those movies or television shows.  However, if the stress is something that is out of your control, perhaps work related or health related, then you must rely on these natural health treatments.

A)  If you perform deep breathing exercises before you go to bed this should help you relax better.  Doing deep breathing exercises will help your body get more oxygen and should help you relax.  If you relax better you increase the chances of stopping your teeth from grinding in your sleep.

B)  Consider drinking tea or warm milk before you go to sleep.  Why will this help you to stop teeth grinding in sleep?  The warm beverages should help you relax.  Never drink things with sugar or Caffeine in them.  Additionally, do not drink alcohol.

C)  Calcium supplements and magnesium supplements have been known to help people to stop teeth grinding in their sleep.  You need to check with your doctor before you do this, however.

D)  A great way to stop teeth grinding in sleep is to apply a warm washcloth to your face.  Make sure to get the washcloth nice and warm and to put it on your jaw, or before your earlobes.  This will help you to relax.  You can also massage this area with your hands to help you relax.

E)  Massaging your scalp, or other areas in your body is also a good way to help you remove stress and anxiety.  Also, if your neck is sore work in those areas, too.

F)  Consider eating a snack that helps you chew on something before you go to sleep.  An example is a carrot, or an apple, or celery.

The goal with all these exercises and treatments is to stop teeth grinding in sleep, and to help you relax.  Most times teeth grinding is caused by high stress or anxiety.

G)  Another way to stop teeth grinding in sleep is to play soft, classical music.  This soft music is designed to help you relax.  Do not play music that will get your ramped up or excited.

H)  Sometimes a warm bath or getting into a hot tub or jacuzzi can help you relax better.

I)  Last but not least, using a journal or writing in a diary can help you relax better.  Although it might seem strange, putting your thoughts on paper can help you clear your mind, and a clearer mind will help you sleep better.

These are just a few ways to learn how to stop teeth grinding in sleep.  If you are ready to instantly stop teeth grinding then you will want to check out this right here:  Click here!

This eBook helped me to stop teeth grinding in my sleep, and I cannot recommend it enough!

Your friend,

Stop Grinding Your Teeth


How to Stop Teeth Clenching at Night!Are you needing to stop teeth clenching at night while you sleep? You’ve come to the right place. This article will discuss how to stop teeth clenching at night, and the several treatments and remedies on how to stop teeth clenching and teeth grinding at night

Most people who want to stop teeth clenching at night suffer from Bruxism–which is when people grind their teeth together–most often at night. Teeth clenching and grinding can lead to having unhealthy teeth because you can grind down your teeth so much you need to get dental implants.

There are other issues too if you are suffering from teeth clenching and are looking to stop teeth clenching at night. Your partner might be upset at you because of the noise you make when grinding your teeth while you sleep at night. You can wake up with a stiff or sore jaw.

You can also chip your teeth, or damage fillings you might have. Some people who suffer from Bruxism also will find that the inside of their cheek can be damaged because they have chewed on it.  Neck pains and ear ringing, are also symptoms that some people have who suffer from teeth clenching teeth grinding.

Finally, headaches, are also another problem and if you learn how to stop grinding your teeth you will reduce your chances of having all these symptoms of teeth clenching and grinding.  I know, I have suffered from all of these myself.

So, how do you stop teeth clenching at night? There are several treatments to stop teeth clenching at night. These include removing stress and anxiety in your life. Stress and anxiety are the leading causes of teeth clenching and grinding.

So, if you can reduce or eliminate your stress and anxiety you stand a much better chance of reducing or eliminating your teeth clenching and grinding.

How do you reduce your stress and anxiety? There are several things you can do.

1. Drink herbal tea or warm milk at night — something to relax you, except do not consume alcohol.

2. Reduce or eliminate your intake of drinks high in sugar and Caffeine–especially in late afternoon or in the evening.

3. Reduce or eliminate your intake of foods high in sugar and Caffeine–especially in late afternoon or in the evening.

4. Listen to soft music to help you relax before going to sleep.

5. Eliminate watching intense or scary movies, television shows, or the reading of books that are intense.

6. Use a warm wash clothe on your face to loosen up the jaw bone and your cheek bones.

7. Massage stressed areas in your body.

8. Take a warm bath.

These are some simple treatments to stop teeth clenching at night. There are other treatments that include mouth guards, Botox treatments, and behavioral modification treatments to stop teeth clenching at night, but these treatments mentioned above are easy and quick ways to stop teeth clenching at night.

If you are ready to remove the pain from teeth grinding and clenching check out our program, Save Your Smile, Stop Grinding, which offers an unconditional 60 day Money-Back Guarantee. The only risk you have is in not learning more! Click here!

Take it from someone who no longer has teeth clenching or grinding issues at night.  You won’t be sorry.

Your friend wishing you peaceful sleep,

Stop Grinding Your Teeth